Thursday, May 7, 2009

The Un-Fairness Doctrine

I want to make one thing absolutely clear. The enemies of talk radio are firmly in control of the White House and Congress.

Sen. Chuck Schumer and his fellow Demon-crats are promising an all-out attack on talk radio even though President Obama has said that he has no intentions of reinstituting the Fairness Doctrine. Would the President lie? Will we hear him say sometime in the future "What I meant was, that I wouldn't reinstate the old Fairness Doctrine. I never said I wouldn't institute a NEW Fairness Doctrine" as he smiles into the cameras and his left-wing boot-lickers chuckle in the background.

With a new "Fairness Doctrine" backed by an Obama White House, political talk radio, as we know it, will be gone. If these "Forces of Darkness" win, Rush, Lewis, Hannity, Savage, Beck, and dozens of other major hosts will be muzzled by using federal regulations to control free speech. Here's what the problem is; every left-wing liberal talk show in this country has been a miserable failure because most red-blooded Americans don't want to hear their politically correct commie rhetoric. So the only way to get their propaganda out to the public is to piggy-back on the talk shows of the Right but guess what, that hound won't hunt.

Americans are very inventive and they'll find a way around that and internet radio just may be a way to do it since the FCC has no jurisdiction there. If the Socialists using the Federal government try to silence us on the internet then my friends it would be time for a revolution and I'm not speaking euphemistically either.

We're not going to sit by and allow our freedom of speech to be taken away. Once one freedom goes the rest will follow just like a stack of dominoes, we've seen it happen in Cuba, Venezuela and to a lesser extent in Mexico and Canada....we just won't let it happen here, not without a fight.

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