Monday, February 19, 2007

Al Qaeda to Target Canadian Oil

Leader-PostAl-Qaeda has called for terrorist strikes against Canadian oil and natural gas facilities to "choke the US economy." An online message, posted Tuesday by the Al-Qaeda Organization in the Arabian Peninsula, declares "we should strike petroleum interests in all areas which supply the United Canada," the No. 1 exporter of oil and gas to the US. "The biggest party hurt will be the industrial nations, and on top (of) them, the United States." The same group, the Saudi arm of Osama bin Laden's terrorist network, claimed responsibility for last February's attack on the world's largest oil processing facility at Abqaiq in Saudi Arabia's eastern province. The attack was foiled when guards at the site opened fire on the terrorists, blowing up their vehicles filled with explosives before they could get through the gates. The message is contained in Sawt al-Jihad (Voice of Jihad), the group's online magazine. A feature article, entitled "Bin Laden's Oil Weapon," encourages operatives to continue to follow earlier directives from bin Laden to strike oil targets not only in Saudi Arabia, but elsewhere, according to a translation by the SITE Institute, a non-profit US group that monitors terrorist Web sites. Three western countries are mentioned in the call-to-arms. Canada is listed first, followed by Mexico and Venezuela. Would-be attackers are instructed to specifically target oilfields, pipelines, loading platforms, and carriers.

If Western nations think they can escape attacks from radical Moslems by remaining neutral they are sadly mistaken. They may as well join the fight against Islam, by doing so they lose nothing and gain everything.